José R. Pascual-Vilaplana


Resident conductor

He studied piano and euphonium with the Muro band and at the Alcoy and Valencia conservatories. He studied band conducting in Holland with Jan Cober and Eugene Corporon, orchestral conducting in Vienna with Karl Österreicher, Yuji Yuasa and Hans Graf, and harmony and composition with R. Alcaraz and J. Darias.

He has conducted bands and orchestras in Argentina, Belgium, Colombia, Cuba, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Uruguay and the United States. They include the national youth orchestras of Holland and Colombia; the national band of Cuba; the Slovenian SAF Army Band; the municipal bands of Buenos Aires and Montevideo; the Orchestra Accademia of La Fenice Opera House, in Venice; the WASBE Youth Wind Orchestra in San José (California); the Swiss AULOS Blasorchester; the Bilbao, Albacete and Murcia symphony orchestras; the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra; the Castile and León Symphony Orchestra; municipal bands of A Coruña, Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Palma, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Santander, Santiago de Compostela and Vitoria; Oviedo, Granada, Jaén, the Canaries and MUSIKENE (Basque country) conservatory bands; the Gran Canaria Wind Orchestra, and the La Rioja Symphonic Band, among others.

He has worked with soloists such as singers Elisabete Matos, Carmen Solís, María Hinojosa, Andeka Gorrotxategi and Mikeldi Atxalandabaso; flautists Juana Guillem and Claudi Arimany; clarinettists José Franch-Ballester, Vicent Alberola and Nuno Pinto; French horn player Juan Manuel Gómez; trumpeters Sergei Nakariakov, Pacho Flores, Luis González, Rubén Simeó, Mario Martos and Manuel Blanco; trombonists Ben van Dijk, Jörgen van Rijen and Ximo Vicedo; tuba player Sérgio Carolino; percussionists Conrado Moya and Xabier Alonso; cellists Asier Polo and Josep Trescolí, and pianists Albert Guinovart and Juan Pérez Floristán. He has conducted groups including Orfeón Donostiarra, the Bilbao Choral Society and the quintet Spanish Brass, and has composed a number of works for band, choir and dulzaina, scenic music and chamber music. He has also been commissioned to write pieces for many festivals (SBALZ Alzira, Certamen d’Altea, Tafalla Brass Week, Castile-La Mancha Music Festival, Cocentaina Choral Competition, etc.) and prestigious soloists, including Spanish Brass, Steven Mead, Luis González, Ximo Vicedo, Carlos Gil and 2i2quartet.

Since 2015 he has been principal conductor with Bilbao Municipal Band and since 2018 he has also been principal conductor of the Barcelona Symphonic Band. He is also principal guest conductor with the Banda Sinfónica Portuguesa in Porto.

In 1997 he won the Golden Baton at the WMC Kerkrade International Conductors Contest in Holland, and in 2000 he was awarded the Baton of Honour at the EBBA Conductors Competition in Birmingham, England. In 2004, he won the Euterpe Award for festive music composition and the Euterpe Award for band conducting by the Valencia Federation of Music Associations. In 2010, he received the ‘Ignacio Morales Nieva’ National Music Award at the Castilla-La Mancha Music Festival.

Rafael Agulló dirigint el concert de la BMB “LA Banda a la Festa Major de Les Corts”



Born in Cocentaina (Alicante), he started learning to play the saxophone at the Unió Musical Contestana School of Music, continuing his studies at the Ontinyent Professional Conservatory and the Alicante Conservatory. To extend his knowledge of the instrument, he studied with leading international players such as Daniel Kientzy, Manuel Miján, Claude Delanghe, Pere Iturralde, Eric Devalon, Marie Bernadette, Arno Bornkamp and Nobuya Sugawa. In 2000 he began to study band conducting at the Escola Comarcal in Vall d’Albaida, where he was taught by José Rafael Pascual Vilaplana, Ramon García i Soler and José Vicente Asensi Seva. He continued his studies at the European Institute of Music in Trento, Italy, where he completed an advanced band conducting course taught by Jan Cober, Felix Harswith, Franco Cesarini and Carlo Pirola in 2006. He also attended master classes in conducting taught by leading figures such as Henry Adams, Eugene Corporon, Jan Van Der Roost, Johan de Meij, Alex Schillings and Douglas Bostock. He has studied composition at the Vigo Conservatory and orchestral conducting at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de A Coruña and recently completed a master’s in jazz at the ESTUDIO music school in Santiago de Compostela. He has taught at various schools in Valencia, the Escola Profissional de Viana do Castelo (Portugal) and has been principal conductor of the Agrupació Musical d’Ontinyent, the Unió Musical de Busot, and the Unió Musical de Muro youth band. He has appeared as guest conductor with a number of ensembles in Spain (Bilbao Symphony Orchestra, the municipal bands of A Coruña, Vitoria, Ourense, Castelló de la Plana and Oviedo, Real Filharmonía de Galicia, Gran Canaria Wind Orchestra) and abroad (Banda Sinfónica Portuguesa, Orquestra Sinfónica do Porto Casa da Música, the Orquestra de Sopros do Conservatório Nacional in Lisbon, Orquestra do Norte in Portugal, Rundfunk Blasorchester Leipzig, and the Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy, among others). He regularly attends advanced orchestral conducting classes taught by leading figures in the field. He teaches at the Escola de Música Municipal de Silleda (Pontevedra) and conducts the Banda Municipal, organises conferences for young musicians in Portugal, teaches conducting at the Joventuts Musicals de la Vall d’Albaida association (Valencia) and the Academia Europeia de Direcção de Banda (Portugal), and is principal conductor of the Banda de Música de Pontevedra.

Ximo Tarín Micó

Ximo Tarín Micó


In 2010 he finished his clarinet studies at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya and in 2014 completed a course in orchestral conducting at the Liceu Conservatory. Subsequently, he travelled to Tilburg in the Netherlands to study for a master’s degree in Wind Band Conducting taught by Hardy Mertens, Jan Cober and Henrie Adams. In 2019 he was guest conductor with SimfoVents Palma and since then he has been principal conductor of the Banda La Primitiva de Rafelbunyol in Valencia. At the same time he has been developing his skills as a composer, and his works have been performed in the Netherlands, Paraguay, the United States and many places in Spain. His music encompasses a wide range of genres, with two symphonies, works for wind ensemble such as Tres al·lusions a l’abisme (Three Allusions to the Abyss), first performed by the TetraBrass Bcn Ensemble and Barcelona Symphonic Band, and his Concerto for Wind Orchestra, first performed by L’Artística Manisense and winner of the Vila d’Altea International Music Contest.

Salvador Brotons



Com a compositor ha escrit més de 150 obres, majoritàriament orquestrals i de cambra, i ha guanyat diversos guardons, entre ells el Premio Orquesta Nacional de España (1977), el premi Jove d’Or (1980), el Premi Ciutat de Barcelona (1983 i 1986), el Southeastern Composers League Award (1986), The Madison University Flute Choir Composition Award (1987) i el Premi Reina Sofia de Composició (1991). Un bon nombre de les seves obres han estat editades i també enregistrades en diversos CD, tant a Europa com als Estats Units.

Al nostre país ha estat director titular de l’Orquestra Simfònica de Balears “Ciutat de Palma” (1997-2001 i 2009-2013), l’Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès (1997-2002) i la Banda Municipal de Barcelona (2007-2018). Des de l’any 1991 dirigeix la Vancouver Symphony (Estats Units) i, actualment, és també el principal director convidat de la Banda Municipal de Barcelona. Com a convidat ha dirigit diverses orquestres a Israel, Alemanya, Xina, Bèlgica, Corea, França, Itàlia, Mèxic, els Estats Units i al nostre país. A més, compagina una intensa agenda com a director d’orquestra amb la composició d’un bon nombre d’encàrrecs d’obres de tot gènere. És professor de direcció d’orquestra i composició a l’Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMuC).

Aquest 2020 ha estat distingit amb el Clark County Arts Commission Lifetime Achievement Award pels seus anys al servei de la comunitat artística de SW Washington.



Manuel Martínez, soloist
José Miguel Micó, soloist
Natàlia Zanón, soloist
Joana Altadil
Eduardo Betes
Valeria Conti
Àngel Errea
Joan Estellés
German Guillén
Victoria Gonzalvez
Montserrat Margalef
Anthony Santos
John Tormo
Javier Vilaplana, requint
Martí Guasteví, alto clarinet
José Vicente Montesinos, bass clarinet


Maurici Esteller, soprano
Daniel Molina, alto soloist
Marta Romero, senior
Armand Franco, tenor
José Jaime Rivera, tenor
Joan Soler, baritone


Manel Reyes, soloist
Carme Arrufat
Paula Martínez, flautí


Pilar Bosque, soloist
David Perpignan
Carla Suárez, corn anglès


Daniel Ortuño, soloist
Xavier Cervera


Armand Franco


Oleguer Bertran, soloist
Claudia Cobos, soloist
Abdó Sancho, soloist
Germán Izquierdo
Miquel Zapata


Ramon Figueras, soloist
Jesús Munuera, soloist
Mauricio Albas
Santiago Gozálbez
Jesus Pascual
Jose Joaquin Salvador


Emilio Almenar, soloist
Emilio Bayarri, soloist
Francis Ivars
Francisco Palacios


Rubén Zuriaga, soloist
David Pantin


Francisco Javier Molina, soloist
Antoni Chelvi


Ferran Carceller, soloist


Mateu Caballé, soloist
Ferran Armengol
Alejandro Llorens


Enric Boixados
Antoni Cubedo


Joan Xicola


Susanna Gamisel


Montserrat Margalef


Alex Fernández

Social commitment

The social project is a fundamental part of the Band's activity and that is why we work to bring symphonic music closer to those people in vulnerable situations and in the field of disability in collaboration with Apropa Cultura.

El cicle La Banda ens Apropa ofereix concerts amb sessions relaxades. Això vol dir que les normes relacionades amb el soroll i el moviment en la sala són més relaxades i també pot haver-hi petits ajustaments en la llum, el so, etc. per adaptar-se millor al benestar de qualsevol mena de públic. Aquest tipus de sessions estan adreçades a totes les persones i famílies que prefereixen o gaudeixen d’una atmosfera més relaxada, reduint així els nivells d’ansietat i convertint-ho en una millor experiència (famílies amb nens, persones amb Alzheimer, persones amb autisme, etc.).
The concerts take place in the morning during the week, favoring the attendance of social groups.

Conducting course

Following the success of the previous editions, applications are now being accepted for the Third Symphonic Band Conducting Course at L’Auditori de Barcelona by L’Auditori de Barcelona and the Barcelona Symphonic Band, in collaboration with the Federació Catalana de Societats Musicals.

The course will take place between July 1 and 5, 2024 and will be directed by José R. Pascual-Vilaplana, Barcelona Symphonic Band’s principal conductor The Barcelona Symphonic Band will once again be made available to the students to work during the course and to be conducted during the closing concert.

By offering this course, L’Auditori de Barcelona and the Barcelona Symphonic Band seek to foster talent in the world of band conducting through theoretical and practical training. The participants will work on a repertoire with the Barcelona Symphonic Band and explore aspects such as gesture, score analysis, rehearsal planning, the funding challenges facing conductors, and factors as crucial–given the reality of today’s bands–as programme planning for amateur bands, motivation and the evolution of these ensembles.

Under the direction of Pascual-Vilaplana, the course will allow band conductors to gain a better insight into technical aspects and to build up a contextualised overview of symphonic bands , from the perspective of both original repertoires for bands and their singularity as orchestral ensembles.


There are two types of registration: active students and listening students. A maximum of 10 active students will be accepted. Listening students will be able to attend the theoretical classes and participate as spectators in the practical classes. Classes will take place in the morning and afternoon.

Those interested in learning more about the Fourth Course in Band Direction at L'Auditori can write to

Registration until April 6, 2024.

Consult here Course Dossier

Calendar sessions
Sessions del dia

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