Improving sustainability is one of L’Auditori’s core values: it is in the institution’s DNA and pervades everything it does.
L’Auditori, as a modern facility that appeals to our current society, acts in an environmentally responsible manner, putting in place measures to ensure the energy efficiency of the building. These include managing the HVAC system as well as the lighting, to reduce power consumption depending on the activities being carried out inside it.
In the last three years, L’Auditori has invested around €3.6M in sustainability improvements, which is expected to save the building 25%. L’Auditori has one of the largest photovoltaic installations on a municipal facility in Barcelona, with 1,197 photovoltaic panels on the building’s roof.
Aquestes són algunes de les actuacions que s’han dut a terme:
- Upgrading the hot water system;
- Replacing light fittings with LED systems;
- Fitting the taps in the toilets with timers.
- Installation of solar panels on the roof to meet the building’s energy needs.
- Renovation of the building's climate production room.
- Renovation of the facilities' management system.
- Installation of solar filters on facade glass to reduce the heating of the building by solar radiation.
- Renovation of the air conditioning of the Music Museum.
On the other hand, the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the strategy for digitalization to the detriment of paper. In this sense, L’Auditori has stopped generating the 20 tons of paper per year (the equivalent of the weight of 50 pianos) produced by the hand-held programs. Now, the hand-held programs can be found in digital format on our website. In this way, L’Auditori has gone from printing 2 million pages to printing 330,000: only 16%.