This event is from the Season 2017-18


The Coronation of King George

  • Dates
    18 de gener 2018
  • Price
    De 10 a 58€
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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W. CHILD: O Lord, grant the King a long life
HANDEL: A Grand Instrumental Procession
PURCELL: I was glad when they said unto me
HANDEL: Let thy hand be strengthened
T. TALLIS: O God, the Father of Heaven
J. FARMER: Come Holy Ghost
HANDEL: Zadok the Priest
J. BLOW: Behold O God our defender
HANDEL: The King shall rejoice
ORLANDO GIBBONS: Te Deum (from the Second Service)
BLOW: God spake sometime in visions
HANDEL: My heart is inditing. Traditional fanfares and processions with trumpets and percussion


The King’s Consort & Choir
Robert King, conductor


Robert King returns to the L’Auditori with his group to perform the musical reconstruction of the coronation of King George II in 1727 at Westminster Abbey.Robert King is back with his group to perform the musical reconstruction of the coronation of King George II in 1727 at Westminster Abbey. Fanfares, coronation anthems and ceremonial music with works by Henry Purcell, John Blow, William Child, John Farmer, Thomas Tallis and Orlando Gibbons. A celebration that will envelop the audience from all corners of the L’Auditori. The best English music for paying tribute to one of the oldest monarchies in Europe, not forgetting the anthem Zadok the Priest, ever present in the imagination of the ‘sports king’.



The Coronation of King George

  • Dates
    18 de gener 2018
  • Price
    De 10 a 58€
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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