L’Auditori segueix endavant amb la seva programació

24-Dec-2021 – Aleix Palau

In response to the announcement of new measures to deal with the pandemic and the ‎concern and confusion that they have generated, L’Auditori informs the public that its ‎‎planned programme will go ahead with no change to the envisaged concerts ‎‎.‎

In compliance with current regulations, the audience capacity will be limited to 70%. ‎The bar in the Foyer of Hall 1 will continue to operate during concerts ‎with an interval, maintaining a distance between its tables. Bar Llanterna ‎will also remain open in accordance with all required guidelines (a 50% limit on capacity inside ‎the bar and full capacity on the terrace). To enter the café-bar areas, a COVID ‎certificate must be shown.

L’Auditori’s rooms are equipped with reinforced ventilation systems, as ‎per current requirements. This allowed it to continue operating as normal during prior ‎periods.‎

Likewise, the Museu de la Música will also reduce its visitor capacity and activities to ‎the required 70%.‎

We will continue to take all necessary steps to guarantee a safe setting ‎with appropriate precautions so that audiences can go on enjoying live music.

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