This event is from the Season 2020-21

Quartets Marmen i Diotima

Barcelona Quartets Biennial

  • Dates
    18 de setembre 2020
  • Price
    20 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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Marmen Quartet
Claude Debussy: String Quartet in G minor, Op. 10 (‎‏1892‏‎-‎‏93‏‎) ‎‏25‏‎’‎

Quatuor Diotima
Luis Codera Puzo: Code is poetry (2020) 20′ – World première
Béla Bartók: String Quartet No. 1 in A minor (1909) 30’‎


Marmen Quartet
Johannes Marmen, violin
Ricky Gore, violin
Bryony Gibson-Cornish, viola
Steffan Morris, cello

Quatuor Diotima
Yun-Peng Zhao, violin
Constance Ronzatti, violin
Franck Chevalier, viola
Pierre Morlet, cello


String Quartet in G minor, op. 10, is Claude Debussy’s only work with a formal academic name or opus number. This quartet, written in four movements and with a cyclical structure, represents the cultural battle between the musical establishment’s ideas of order and the idea of overcoming tonality to reach new worlds that was taking place in France at the time.

DOWNLOAD THE PROGRAMME HEREThe world premiere of Luis Codera Puzo’s work, written for traditional string quartet ensemble, is a great opportunity to link tradition to new concepts and dimensions of what does or does not constitute artistic creation. Finally, Béla Bartók’s Quartet No. 1, which consists of three movements performed without interruption, is greatly influenced by Beethoven’s last quartets and Bartók’s passion for Eastern European popular music.

Quartets Marmen i Diotima

Barcelona Quartets Biennial

  • Dates
    18 de setembre 2020
  • Price
    20 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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