This event is from the Season 2016-17

Dr. GO

  • Location
    Espai Exterior L’Auditori
  • Duration aprox.
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Fran Suárez, organ and composition
Ignasi Cussó, guitar
Ramón Díaz, drums


Dr. GO perform electrifying jazz-funk in the “Organ combo” style of the late 90s, and lean towards the golden era of the Hammond trio and its vintage sound. The result is a fusion of modern jazz, electro funk, rock and even a touch of bolero style, expressed through solid original compositions, exquisite improvisation and a large dose of groove.

The trio is made up of Chilean pianist, organist and composer Fran Suárez, Barcelona guitarist Ignasi Cussó and drummer Ramón Díaz from the Canaries. They give powerful and genuine performances which their audiences instantly connect with.

Their début album “Noctàmbuls” has been performed live on several occasions, including a performance on the TV show “Blues i Ritmes a l’estudi” (TV3).

They are proud to present their second project, “Dr. GO plays Led Zeppelin”, in which they take on the music of the legendary English band and add groove, improvisation and some original Dr. GO style.


Dr. GO

  • Location
    Espai Exterior L’Auditori
  • Duration aprox.
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