This event is from the Season 2015-16
Jazz & Pop
Guitar Festival


  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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Stuart Staples and his band will be presenting their new album at L’Auditori. The Nottingham outfit is already a contemporary classic, the equivalent of Scott Walker for the indie generation. Tindersticks began their career in 1991, two years before debuting with a self-titled album which already showed many of the hallmarks that have marked their career. With its sublime arrangements and the baritone voice of Stuart Staples, their songs take off along the paths trodden by Gainsbourg and Hazlewood, giving shape to a heady sound loaded with emotion and romanticism.
Now, three of the original members (the above-mentioned Staples plus Neil Fraser and David Boulter, along with bassist Dan MCKINNA and drummer Earl Harvin) have recorded their tenth LP, The Waiting Room, soon to be released, which will be reinforced by a visual project: there will be a short film for each of their songs, an initiative that has involved the commissioning of various filmmakers.

Guitar BCN will be hosting the concert at which the band present the album in Barcelona: Thursday, 14th April, at L’Auditori.

Jazz & Pop
Guitar Festival


  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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