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EDWARD GRIEG: Concert per a piano en la m, op. 16, versió per a banda simfònica (1868) 28′
MORPHERY: Caffeine (2020) 5′ – Estrena mundial, encàrrec de L’Auditori a l’aula de composició de l’ESMUC
SALVADOR BROTONS: Simfonia n. 7 “Ausiàs March. Quatre facetes personals” (2018) 25′

Ausiàs March is the great poet of the Renaissance, but perhaps his military career is not so well known: first as an armed knight and then as chief falconer of Alfonso the Magnificent. Salvador Brotons was inspired by these personal facets to build the first and third movements of his Symphony no. 7. The calm and serenity of the second movement portrays the "love poet" of the Songs of Love and Death , while the fourth exalts the "Immortal Ausiàs". A fascinating score directed by the composer himself.

The first part of the program has the lure of a great classic, Edvard Grieg's Concerto performed by Ignasi Cambra and with the music of a new generation of composition students.


Salvador Brotons, conductor
Ignatius Chamber, piano
Barcelona Symphonic Band

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