This event is from the Season 2022-23

UP (Pixar)


  • Dates
    January 7, 2023
  • Price
    25 €
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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A Pixar film
Music by Michael Giacchino


Barcelona Symphony Orchestra (OBC)
Arturo Díez Boscovich, conductor


Presentation of the complete film (original version with Catalan subtitles) with a live performance by the OBC of the film’s entire score by Michael Giacchino.

Michael Giacchino has achieved well-merited fame as a soundtrack composer. He has forged a long career in music for the audio-visual industry, creating soundtracks for films, series and videogames. This has culminated in his much acclaimed work for the animation studio Pixar, including the soundtracks for The Incredibles (2004), Ratatouille (2007) and Inside Out (2015). In a career dotted with successes, a highpoint was nonetheless reached with UP (2009), which earned him an Oscar. UP has been praised for its symbolic potential to express major aspects of the human condition, in particular death and hope seen through the plot of the film: old Carl Fredricksen’s difficulty in accepting the death of his wife. The magnificent soundtrack stands out in many ways in all this, for instance, through the use of leitmotifs or Giacchino’s inspired melody in a work that explores all the registers of narrative, creating complex emotional associations and reflecting the psychology of characters who are impossible to forget. It is one of the great soundtracks of our time for an animated film of equal importance.

Logo Disney Concerts

UP (Pixar)


  • Dates
    January 7, 2023
  • Price
    25 €
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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