Kendra Stepputat

The artist does not have any scheduled events at L'Auditori

Kendra Stepputat began learning Balinese gamelan in 2001 while living in Bali with a Dharmasiswa grant by the Indonesian government. At the same time, she was studying dance at the Highschool for Balinese Arts (ISI).

Since 2002 she has been teaching gamelan beleganjur to various groups in Germany and Austria. PhD in ethnomusicology, she has researched and published on several aspects of Balinese music, including the dramatic dance performance kecak.

Based in Graz, Austria, she works as Associate Professor at the Institute for Ethnomusicology at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz.

Kendra Stepputat

The artist does not have any scheduled events at L'Auditori
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