The Choir Sings


The artist does not have any scheduled events at L'Auditori
Website of the artist

El Cor Canta was born from the will and enthusiasm of a group of over one hundred and fifty singers participating in the Canta amb l'OBC project organized by L'Auditori de Barcelona in April 2018. This enthusiasm is what defines the choir and encourages them to move forward to achieve new challenges.

It is a symphonic and choral organization with a profile of mostly senior singing partners, who make this golden age an engine of creativity, experience, strength, solidarity, commitment, and risk, always with the will to leave a legacy and a cultural imprint to current and future generations.

El Cor Canta is committed to Catalan culture through new creation, support for local composers and poetry in Catalan. It has commissioned large-scale symphonic and choral works from musicians such as Albert Guinovart, Salvador Brotons, Josep Vila i Casañas, Elisenda Fàbregas and Marc Migó. The choir has premiered the winning works of its International Composition Competition by Gerard López, Àngel Pérez and Ian Shaw. All of them have set to music poems by Montserrat Abelló, Joan Maragall, Jacint Verdaguer and Joan Salvat Papasseit and others created expressly by Miquel Desclot and Juana Dolores. El Cor Canta has also participated with the OBC in the premiere of Suite of Myself by Raquel García-Tomás and the community opera La Gata Perduda by Arnau Tordera.

The musical and artistic directors are Elisenda Carrasco, Eva Martínez, Jordi Lluch and, in the first season, Pere Lluís Biosca.

He has performed at L'Auditori de Barcelona, Auditori de Girona, Auditori Enric Granados de Lleida, Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona, Espai Ter de Torroella de Montgrí, Kursaal de Manresa, at the Factory Cultural Terrassa and the Main Theater of Terrassa.

It is worth noting the choir's active involvement in favour of non-discrimination on grounds of gender with the project "Escoltem! Les dones parlen” (Listen, the women speak) and the podcast channel “Escoltem les donnes” (We listen to women). As well as the social commitment towards people at risk of exclusion by collaborating as promoters with Apropa Cultura and co-producing several musicals with the Gràcia Mental Health Centre.

The Choir Sings


The artist does not have any scheduled events at L'Auditori
Website of the artist
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