Arnau Pons


The artist does not have any scheduled events at L'Auditori

Arnau Pons is a writer and translator. On the international stage, he stands out as a reader of the work of Paul Celan, from whom he translates the Complete Works, which earned him the Spanish National Translation Award in 2015. In 2007, he edited the two volumes of Carrers de frontera. Passatges de la cultura alemanya a la cultura catalana (IRL) on the occasion of the Frankfurt Book Fair. He has translated works by diverse authors such as Jean Bollack, Luiza Neto Jorge, Peter Szondi, Maurice Blanchot, Dino Campana, Hervé Guibert, Marguerite Duras, and Walter Benjamin, and has reflected on this activity in the book La traducció, la vida (Afers, 2020). His writings on Catalan creators are collected in the volume Amb aquestes mans (Edicions Poncianes, 2021). He is the author of the epilogue to Núria Folch’s edition of La mort i la primavera by Mercè Rodoreda (Club Editor, 2017). His latest book of poems is Llum de ganivet (Eumo, 2012), and his latest essay is Artaud, cruz entre dos rostros (H&O, 2023).

Arnau Pons


The artist does not have any scheduled events at L'Auditori
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