Alba Pujol Camins

Pedagoga musical

The artist does not have any scheduled events at L'Auditori

Music pedagogue, musician and singer, specializing in the fields of early music education, active pedagogies and the creative voice. Investigates, advises and accompanies musical learning processes and artistic expression and creation throughout life

She is currently a professor in the Department of Pedagogy at Musikene (Centro Superior de Música del País Vasco) and a collaborating professor at the UB (University of Barcelona), a trainer at the IGEME (Gordon Institute of Musical Education in Spain) and a professor at the Municipal School of Music in Mataró (Spain). 

Higher Degree in Musical Pedagogy from the ESMUC and Bachelor of Audiovisual Communication from the UAB (Autonomous University of Barcelona). Postgraduate in Performing Arts and Education from the Institut del Teatre. She specializes in E. Gordon's Music Learning Theory, obtaining certification in the United States (University of South Carolina and University at Buffalo). She is also certified by the San Francisco International Orff Course.

As an international trainer, she teaches courses and conferences on music education and early childhood in Spain, as well as in Latin America (Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica and Brazil).

She is co-author of the books Jugant amb la música-Bebès (Playing with music – Babyes) and Jugant amb la música-Nenes i nens (Playing with music – Kids), published by IGEME.

She is part of the company Abiabaï in the show Concerts for babies (for children from 0 to 3 years old).

Alba Pujol Camins

Pedagoga musical

The artist does not have any scheduled events at L'Auditori
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