Robert Brufau, new director of L\'Auditori

20-Dec-2018 – Aleix Palau

The evaluation committee for the public selection process was made up of three members of ‎the City Council; the composer Hèctor Parra, the composer and performer Barbara Held and ‎Margarida Tossas, Director of Planning and Control of Citizenship Rights, together with two ‎members of the Autonomous Government of Barcelona; the composer Joan Magrané and ‎Rosa M. Pascual, Head of Monitoring and Control of the Public Sector. Jordi Tort, Manager of ‎the L’Auditori i l’Orquestra Consortium, was secretary.‎
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The evaluation committee approved the candidature of Robert Brufau on the basis of his ‎professional career, his extensive knowledge of the music sector and his close ties with ‎L’Auditori.‎

As an artistic programmer and cultural manager, Robert Brufau has been L’Auditori’s ‎programming director and a member of the artistic committee of the European Concert Hall ‎Organisation since 2013. He was formerly head of production in the same institution, ‎managing director of the International Music Academy of Solsona and founding member of El ‎Gat Negre jazz club. As a professional musician, he was a professor at the Liceu Conservatory ‎of Barcelona and collaborator with the Spanish Radio and Television Orchestra.‎

Robert Brufau studied music in Barcelona, Paris and Geneva, obtaining a Concert Diploma ‎with honours from the Geneva University of Music. He is also a Business Studies graduate ‎and holds a postgraduate qualification in Show Management and Production, awarded by the ‎University of Barcelona.‎

Robert Brufau created the current structure of L’Auditori’s programme, with a wide variety of ‎projects including the Sampler Sèries, dedicated to contemporary music; the Llums d’Antiga ‎festival, in relation to Early Music research; and the Emergents Barcelona Music Festival for ‎young talents from home and abroad. Brufau has promoted collaborations with the city’s ‎main contemporary art institutions (MACBA, CCCB, Tàpies Foundation, Miró Foundation, etc.) ‎and the most representative agents of the sector, both classical and pop rock (Sónar, ‎Primavera Sound, The Project, Razzmatazz, etc.). Internationally, some of his projects have ‎contributed to forging alliances with important institutions such as the Los Angeles ‎Philharmonic, the New York Philharmonic, the Philharmonie de Paris and the Vienna ‎Konzerthaus.‎

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