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EDWARD ELGAR: Enigma Variations, Op. 36 (1898-1899) 31′

Few musical works have sparked as many detective investigations as the Variations on an Original Theme, or Enigma Variations Op. 36 (1898-1899) by Edward Elgar. Although the fourteen variations are preceded by an andante theme in G minor, the composer hinted that they were actually based on a secret theme that he never revealed. “Often, the connection between the variations and the initial theme is a very subtle texture; moreover, throughout the entire piece, there is another larger theme that is not played. The main theme of the work does not appear; as in The Intruder and The Seven Princesses by Maurice Maeterlinck, the main character never steps on stage.” It remains an unresolved riddle.

Additionally, Elgar gave the variations cryptic names referencing his friends and acquaintances: “I’ve labeled the variations with the nicknames of my friends; I’ve written what I believe each of them would have written if they’d been silly enough to compose.” The first thirteen variations are portraits of people around him, ranging from his wife to pianist Hew David Steuart-Powell, actor Richard Baxter Townshend, and landowner William Meath Baker. The final variation, titled E. D. U., is an optimistic self-portrait that elevates the composer’s own figure.


Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya
Marta Gardolińska, conductor

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