Ensemble O Vos Omnes

Cor, Ensemble

The artist does not have any scheduled events at L'Auditori
Website of the artist

L’Ensemble O Vos Omnes va ser fundat l’any 2011 pel director i compositor Xavier Pastrana. Amb una llarga experiència en la música coral i de formació transversal en el camp de la música clàssica, Xavier Pastrana ha aconseguit en poc temps situar l’Ensemble com un dels grups vocals de música antiga de més projecció de Catalunya.

​From the passion for early music comes the desire to connect their repertoire with the current world, making each concert a unique, close and moving experience for everyone.

Cadascun dels seus projectes pretenen posar en valor la capacitat de la música antiga de dialogar amb la societat contemporània. Treballant en la recuperació, contextualització i creació de nous repertoris i formats, l’Ensemble O Vos Omnes proposa concerts i enregistraments sorprenents i de gran rigor tècnic.

​His interpretations of baroque music have been praised by the specialized press, both in large-format works and in small-scale works. His interpretations of contemporary music have also drawn attention, which have been recognized by renowned composers such as Bernat Vivancos or Joan Magrané. The ability to combine technical precision with a distinctive sound and great musicality is the hallmark that has led Ensemble O Vos Omnes to be considered a unique group in its specialty.

Ensemble O Vos Omnes

Cor, Ensemble

The artist does not have any scheduled events at L'Auditori
Website of the artist
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